EECS-Secure and EECS-RADtest authentication in all locations (not just Cory Hall) were also affected due to a single point of failure located in Cory Hall, which is set to be rectified in January.
[2016-12-10 11:48:07 | Lars Rohrbach]
The Cory Hall networking outage was caused by a failed UPS in the primary networking closet. Most circuits in this networking closet are hard-wired to the UPS.
Power has been re-routed to live circuits on building power, and building management staff has been notified of the failed UPS.
[2016-12-10 22:54:31 | Lars Rohrbach]
At about 9:35pm, the same equipment had another power outage, due to tripping a breaker. We have redistributed the load, and restored power to the affected equipment.
We will continue to monitor the situation over the weekend.
Resolved as of 2016-12-10 11:40:00