For detailed information on how to request or close research accounts, read the account procedures. To get started right away, fill out a request form.
All of the following accounts incur charges on a monthly basis and account holders need to be aware of the account policies.
Full (Standard) Account
All members of the department, as well as those with offices in any of our managed buildings (e.g. Cory, Soda, Sutardja Dai, Calvin) are required to have a Full account, which provides access to a variety of services:
- A Windows account in the department’s Active Directory domain.
- An entry in the department’s LDAP directory.
- A e-mail address, which will typically be a nickname for one’s campus bMail account.
- Optional e-mail forwarding, such that forwards to the appropriate mail server.
- Access to the Helpdesk, including software loan.
- Login access to department login servers winterm.eecs (Windows, via Remote Desktop) and login.eecs (Unix, via SSH).
- Access to the department’s Unix, Windows and OSX software warehouses (SWW).
- A home directory on the departmental file server, which is accessible from both Unix and Windows systems, and is usable for personal webpages.
Limited Account
For alumni, emeritus faculty and other collaborators who do not have office space in our managed buildings, a Limited account may be appropriate. A Limited account offers, at a reduced rate, the services included in the Full Account with the following restrictions:
- The e-mail address MUST be delivered to a valid address.
- Limited access to the Helpdesk, e.g. no software loans.
- No login access to winterm.eecs and login.eecs.
- No access to the Unix, Windows and OSX software warehouses (no software licensing).
- No wired network access.
Instructional Accounts
Visit the instructional website for information regarding instructional accounts.