Expected impacts of this outage include:
– Internet connectivity to all EECS Wired buildings* will be offline – Soda Hall wired and wireless networking will be entirely offline – BWRC will be isolated from EECS and unable to access the Internet or EECS network resources – Wireless networking in EECS Airspace** will be unavailable (the networks will continue to be visible in some locations, however the underlying network services will be offline) – EECS Wired buildings other than Soda Hall and BWRC should retain connectivity and access to EECS network resources (filers, AD, etc.), but to reiterate, the Internet connection will be unavailable.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this maintenance will cause. For any questions or concerns about the maintenance, please email networks@eecs.berkeley.edu.
Thank you, IRIS Network Group
*EECS Wired buildings are Soda, Cory, and Sutardja Dai Halls, and the BWRC
**EECS Airspace includes Soda, Cory, Sutardja Dai, Calvin, and Blum Halls, as well as the Sibley Auditorium, Hearst Memorial Mining Building, and BWRC
[2014-03-25 14:56:09 | Derek Calderon]
This is a reminder that there will be an EECS-wide network outage all day on Saturday, March 29th. See the original posting at iris.eecs.berkeley.edu for more details.
[2014-03-29 22:20:30 | Derek Calderon]
The network maintenence has been completed. Due to unexpected complications, we were unable to finish within the scheduled window. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Please contact help@eecs.berkeley.edu if you are noticing any lingering issues.
Resolved as of 2014-03-29 21:56:00