SCHED OUTAGE Hearst Memorial Mining Bldg, Soda Sept 24, 2009 06.00 pm – Sept 25, 7.00 am Equipment: hmmb4fes Location: Hearst Memorial Mining Bldg, Soda Date: Sept 24, 2009 Start: 06.00 pm End: Sept 25, 7.00 am Description: We will change the network topology for HMMB, starting on Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. This work is part of the move of our data center from Evans, to the new facility in Sutardja Dai Hall. The network in the bldg will be down for approx 13 hours, to give the fiber contractors time, to move the cables to the new location. The following subnet will be unavailable during this work:
For the latest information on this outage, see [the IST system status website](
Resolved as of 2009-09-25 06:00:00