I anticipate no service disruption, but because the line card is suspect, and there is potential for problems, this work is scheduled for very early in the morning.
Unfortunately some of the problems we initially diagnosed as part of the routing troubles turned out to be server misconfiguration.
[2009-04-28 08:12:41 | Mike Howard]
Initial symptoms indicated a failure on one of the 10Gb line cards in the Cory Hall router. Routes were established, but traffic wasn’t being forwarded by that blade. Replacing the blade did not solve the problem. Failing over to the backup management module did not solve the problem. In frustration, we power-cycled the entire router; it’s now functioning. We’ll be contacting the vendor.
Unfortunately, the diagnostics and reboot resulted in several brief disruptions of service to Cory Hall between 6:30 and 7:45am.
The failure of the Cory router is the likely cause of problems reported in Sutardja Dai hall on Friday.
Resolved as of 2009-04-28 08:00:00