[2017-02-24 20:33:14 | Pathma Venasithamby]
OSX using NFSv4 caused the panic . I have disabled NFSv4 on
napinst which was the only one using it. But it affected
other nodes.
napinst and napcluster were not available during the downtime
but naproj was ok. naphome I believe was ok too.
Mounts that are stuck will mean a client system reboot, if
umount is not possible.
There will be a patch OS version coming out soon, and I can
upgrade the netapp when it does, and renable NFSv4.
Until then all users on napinst clients will have to change
NFS vers=4 to vers=3 if they are explicitly configured.
Resolved as of 2017-02-24 20:27:00