This is scheduled to coincide with a related maintenance being performed by IST on their wireless controllers, which serve the rest of campus. Information on the IST scheduled outage can be found at, CMR #3214.
This outage will affect all wireless networks (including AirBears) in all EECS locations: Soda, Cory, Sutardja Dai, and Blum Halls, as well as the Calvin Lab and the BWRC, and some areas of the Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
For questions, concerns, or comments, please contact
Thanks, IRIS Network Group
[2014-09-19 06:46:08 | Derek Calderon]
The maintenance was completed without incident and wireless service has been fully restored in all EECS locations.
For questions, please contact
Resolved as of 2014-09-19 06:44:00