For those that are concerned with our email being saturated by spam, IRIS is going to be deploying a new generation of anti-spam management on Tuesday, Jan. 10th, at 12pm. For details and how-to’s, please refer to this link.
We will replace our existing servers with a new set of redundant anti-spam appliances, and as such, some new headers will be added to each incoming email. Like before, a spam rating will be tagged to each message, and for those of you using our IMAP service, appropriate folder (“Spam” under your “EECS-Filtered” folder) will be created and be used to file those spam messages. The new spam appliances are bayesian based, and are updated more regularly by the vendor as well as our staff. Our testing indicates that it is capable of correctly identifying up to 90% of the spam without any special settings.
In addition, the new appliances will now offer individually configurable whitelists and blacklists.
EECS users will have the ability to opt out of the new service. For those of you that have opted out of the old service can now opt back in to take advantage of the new service.
To summarize:
1. If you are using our IMAP service, starting 1/10/06, please go to “EECS-Filtered\Spam” to verify and remove your spam. You can opt in/out of this service. You can also set up your own personal whitelists and blacklists.
2. If you are not using our IMAP service, you can use the special headers to set up your own filters.
3. For details on our new spam service, faq, and instructions, please see the this announcement.
Please send your concerns and suggestions to help@eecs. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.