The new licenses for Synopsys tools (such as Sentaurus WorkBench), effective September 25, 2014, are limited to working with new versions of the tools — generally those with a 2014 release date. You may need to update your PATH
to include the newer versions.
The following package release versions are included in the current licensing. These are installed on Instructional systems, and most are available on the department’s /usr/eesww
for machines that mount it.
For Synopsys licensing, please note that the license server has changed. See /usr/eesww/synopsys/README
for details.
CustomExplorer (customexp_vJ-2014.09) HSPICE (hspice_vJ-2014.09) Hercules (hercules_vB-2008.09-SP5) Raphael (raphael_vJ-2014.09) Saber (saber_vI-2013.12) StarRC (starrc_vJ-2014.06-SP2) Synplify FPGA (s_fpga_vJ-2014.09) TCAD Sentaurus (tcad_sentaurus_vJ-2014.09) TCAD Sentaurus PCM Studio (sentaurus_pcm_vJ-2014.06) VCS MX (vcs_mx_vI-2014.03-SP1) VCS VCSi (vcs_vI-2014.03-SP1) VCS Verification Library (vcs_verif_vJ-2014.06-SP1)
If you need help with configuring these changes, feel free to email help@eecs. It would be useful to provide the output from the following commands:
which swb echo $LM_LICENSE_FILE echo $SHELL