Currently, when an IRIS account is created, the account name is set by the person requesting the account. It can be changed afterward, but such requests are processed manually.
In order to facilitate compliance with the new Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy, beginning on April 4, IRIS will begin syncing the following fields from the CalNet Directory to our systems:
- First Name
- Last Name
These fields are under the direct control of the owner. You can use a form on the CalNet website to update these fields. We strongly recommend everyone review their current name settings so they are not surprised by any changes. You may have one of those accounts where your last name is in all capital letters – this is where you can change that.
We will sync these fields over from CalNet once a day at about 7am. The updated fields will appear in these places:
- IRIS LDAP Directory
- EECS Faculty and Staff Directory
- EECS Active Directory
One added benefit of this is that we will begin supporting Unicode characters in these name fields so that we can properly display non-Latin characters. You can add Unicode characters using the CalNet update form.