[2014-09-16 11:14:49 | Derek Calderon]
At approximately 9:23 we had an as-yet unidentified failure of the primary EECS wireless controller. An automatic failover to the secondary was performed but was not entirely successful, and a large number of access points lost their connections to the infrastructure. Over the next 20 minutes, the access points were able to reconnect to the secondary controller to restore wireless network service. After the primary controller was determined to be in a good state, we initiated manual failback to the primary, which was completed without incident.
We are now investigating what caused the initial failure, as well as what interrupted the automated failover procedure. We apologize for any problems caused by the outage. If you are experiencing ongoing issues, please contact the IRIS helpdesk in 395 Cory Hall or at help@eecs.berkeley.edu.
Resolved as of 2014-09-16 09:40:00