During this maintenance window, the [Openfire server software](http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/changelog.html) will be upgraded to the latest version (3.8.0), and the server will be moved to a new host. This is part of an ongoing project to retire old hardware and migrate services to more modern infrastructure.
If this downtime is very inconvenient for you, let help@eecs know as soon as possible.
[2013-03-06 17:16:09 | Robert McNicholas]
The previously-scheduled maintenance on jabber.eecs was canceled and has been rescheduled for Wednesday March 6 at 6pm.
A firewall problem on Feb 13th prevented the successful migration of this service to a new server. That issue has been resolved, so we are rescheduling this migration and upgrade plan.
A new release of openfire has come out recently and we are now upgrading to version 3.8.1, released March 3.
Please note that this migration involves a change of IP address, which will be propagated beginning at 6pm. Most clients should automatically pick up the new IP from DNS, but if you experience problems connecting after the upgrade, try restarting your client, or your machine as a last resort.
We expect the service to be back up no later than 7pm.
[2013-03-06 18:26:35 | Robert McNicholas]
The upgrade and migration of jabber.eecs is complete as of around 6:20pm. The service is now running on a virtual machine in the central campus data center, and using a database that is also hosted in that data center.
Please report any problems to help@eecs.berkeley.edu.
Resolved as of 2013-03-06 18:20:00