We are pleased to announce that we are now making VMWare Fusion available to Mac users in EECS at no extra cost.
## What is Fusion?
Fusion is a virtualization application which lets you run other
operating systems simultaneously with OS X. For example, one could run Microsoft Windows on top of OS X, allowing a Mac user to take advantage of all the Windows site-licensed software that is available on campus.
## How to Get It
To pick up your Fusion serial number:
– Visit the EECS Helpdesk in 395 Cory between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday with the following:
1. a photo ID
2. the name or serial number of your registered computer
– You will receive a unique serial number to activate a copy of Fusion.
You can then visit the VMWare website to register your serial number:
On the VMWare webite, create a new account, and register the serial
number you were given by the helpdesk. You can then download the latest
version of the software from http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion
## If You Want To Install Windows
Please Note: Fusion does not include any other operating systems, so if
you want to install Windows on your Mac, you still need a valid
Microsoft Windows license and media. You can sign out an
EECS-site-licensed copy of Microsoft Windows XP from the helpdesk at the
time you pick up your Fusion license key, or you can use any other legal
copy of Windows, Solaris, Linux or FreeBSD you wish.
## How to Get Help
While they are distributing the keys, the EECS helpdesk is not geared up
to provide technical support for Fusion, so you will need to avail
yourselves of the free online resources if you run into any technical
issues. The mac-users@eecs mailing list can be used for local
discussions and community support. We also have a limited number of
support keys which can be used for support issues that require help from
VMWare. If you feel you need this sort of support, please contact
## Who is Eligible
The cost of Fusion was funded by our EECS computer account fees, so this
offer is only open to EECS users with a standard computer account.
Please direct any questions to help@eecs.