Further, we strongly discourage all departmental users and sysadmins from upgrading any machines to Leopard for anything other than testing purposes. There are a couple of fairly serious flaws with how Leopard interacts with our environment. Most notably, Leopard doesn’t work with coeus or project, our file servers. Our support engineer at Apple has been notified, and we’ll be working with him to solve the problem.
Also of note, there are a number of serious bugs in Leopard’s X11 server. It’s my understanding that Apple’s X11 developers are working very hard on fixing them. Until an update is released, anyone who uses X11 on Mac OS should hold off on an upgrade.
We realize holding off on an upgrade can be frustrating—several of us in IRIS use MacOS as our primary desktop. Once we have solutions to the highest priority problems with Leopard, help@eecs will be able to answer your questions.
For those of you who may have already upgraded and find yourselves in dire straits, the following may help. The below information is highly technical in nature, and this is all the help we can offer right now:
The file servers—if you’re comfortable using the command line, the smbclient utility does appear to still work with the NetApps, assuming you have a kerberos ticket. Of course, if you’re comfortable with the command line, it’s probably easier to just ssh/sftp to argus or your favorite shell account machine. Syntax for smbclient is…
smbclient //coeus.eecs.berkeley.edu/USERID -k
where USERID is your login, like ‘fraser’ or ‘adj’, and the ‘-k’ is to do kerberos authentication. Remember, smbclient does not mount the remote volume, it just gives you an ftp-like interface for transfering files to/from it.
X11—Among other problems, it does not work with Spaces. They’ve upgraded the codebase to X.org’s X11R7.2, but it looks like little-to-no QA was done. The following mailing list archive (look at the posts over the past couple of days) contains some information from one of Apple’s X11 developers, including totally unofficial patches:
[2008-09-23 11:56:27 | Lars Rohrbach]
Support for MacOS X Leopard (10.5.3 or better) in EECS has now been announced. See https://iris.eecs.berkeley.edu/news/2127-initial-support-for-macos-x.