Since about 1 PM today, AirBears and AirBearsBeyond WLANs within EECS and the outdoor Mesh are currently unable to deliver DHCP leases to clients. CNS has been notified and is currently working on the problem.
[2006-03-22 15:17:40 | Fred Archibald, IDSG Network Architect]
Today we are again having trouble with the authentication server for AirBears and AirBearsBeyond wireless service. A CNS staff member is on his way to Soda to investigate.
[2006-03-23 09:21:50 | Fred Archibald, IDSG Network Architect]
Service was restored to the “AirBears” and “AirBearsBeyond” wireless networks as of about 4:45pm on Wednesday, March 22, 2006. The outage is attributed to failed hardware and CNS was able to bypass it in order to restore service.