We are having a problem with a network switch on the 5th floor of Cory. Some wired connections may see poor connectivity. Wireless nodes in the north east section of the 5th floor are also affected. We are investigating now.
[2005-10-07 13:38:29 | Janet Shu, Networks]
The network switch on the 5th floor of Cory will be down on Monday Oct. 10 at 7:00AM to run diagnotics on the switch blades. The downtime should be less than 10 mins.
[2005-10-07 09:57:06 | Fred Archibald, IDSG Network Architect]
As of about 08:30, all service to the Cory 5th floor was restored. However, the problem could reoccur and we are investigating the cause and the possibility of downtime today to get a permanent fix.