e.g. http://homepages.eecs.berkeley.edu/~fraser or http://homepages.cs.berkeley.edu/~fraser
On Tuesday, May 24, we will set up redirects on www.eecs/www.cs so that all requests for ~ home pages are sent to the new servers. These redirects will use the permanent status, which lets search engines and browsers know that the new address is the correct one and should be used going forward. This ensures that there will be no issues with search engine results.
[2016-05-18 16:25:06 | Eric Fraser]
Based on feedback from the EECS Community, the new web server will be people.eecs instead of homepages.eecs. Simply put, the “homepages” name was felt to be antiquated.
The new canonical home page URLs will be:
http[s]://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~username e.g.:
The previously-suggested name of homepages.eecs.berkeley.edu will also work and will redirect to the people.eecs name.
[2016-05-24 16:05:24 | Rob McNicholas]
As of 4pm today, Tuesday May 24, all web page requests sent to www.eecs.berkeley.edu or www.cs.berkeley.edu for any page starting with a ~ (tilde) is now being redirected to people.eecs.berkeley.edu.
At this time a 302 (temporary) redirect code is being sent. Once we are sure there are no problems with this configuration we will change that to a 301 (permanent) redirect so that search engines should start to update their indexes to use the new hostname. We expect that to be in one or two weeks.