IRIS offers a redirect service for our account holders to forward their (and web page to another location. This is typically used when an account is closed.
We promise this forwarding for one year after an account is closed, but have never done a bulk cleanup, and the list has grown quite large. As a first step to cleaning these up, we are now checking the destination URLs to make sure they are still valid. On 9am on April 30, 2013, the attached list of URLs will be removed from the server configuration.
If you have an update for any of these redirects, please contact the IRIS helpdesk.
[Note: In the attached list, the URL we are redirecting is on the left side, the destination is on the right, and the HTTP response code is listed, or -1 if the remote host cannot be found or does not answer.]
Attachment: bad-URLs.txt
[2013-04-30 12:48:10 | Robert McNicholas]
The removal of old redirects from the department’s web server has been completed as planned. Two hundred forty three (243) URLs were removed and two (2) were updated. Contact the IRIS helpdesk if you have any questions.