Installing Software from Control Panel
Some software may be available for installation from the Add/Remove Programs control panel. In the Windows domain environment, this software must be packaged to use the Microsoft Installer (MSI) service, and then published via group policy. Not all software is MSI-ready or easily packaged as an MSI, so the selection will differ from that available on WINSWW.
- Log into a Windows machine in the EECS domain using your EECS domain account. You do not need administrative privilege on the machine to install most software packages.
- Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs
- On the left hand side of the window, click on ‘Add New Programs’. At the bottom, you will see the available software packages in the ‘Add programs from your network’ box. Highlight the software package you want to install and click on the ‘Add’ button. The software package will install itself, or may require some slight intervention on your part (to determine the installation directory, for example).
Installing Software from WINSWW
Additional software may be available for installation directly from our Windows SoftWare Warehouse (WINSWW). This software is found in \\winsww\sww\public. Note that \\winsww\sww is a DFS root; research groups who wish to run their own software warehouses (for non-site-licensed software, for example) are invited to have IDSG set up a DFS link off \\winsww to their shares.
- Go to Start -> Run… -> \\winsww\sww\public
(Note: If your machine is not bound to our Active Directory Domain, you will need to provide the fully qualified domain name i.e \\\sww\public) - Enter your EECS Windows credentials when prompted.
- Browse the folders for the software you are interested in, to find installation instructions and install programs.
- Note: off-campus and non-EECS-domain machines should also see our FAQ page regarding Accessing Windows Resources, especially regarding Windows Authentication Level and using the Campus VPN Service.
See Also: