Laptop Theft or Loss
Unfortunately, loss of equipment due to theft or accident is all too common. If you do lose any university equipment, such as a department-supplied laptop, please see the following information — but check with Risk Services for current information.
For first-year grad laptops, you can contact help@eecs, and we can help verify your serial number and original purchase value. Your advisor can help you obtain a replacement laptop in the meantime.
If your laptop is supported on the IRIS networks (as first-year grad laptops would be), make sure to submit an “Unregister a Device” request at
My understanding is that a police report should be filed in the city or jurisdiction where the crime occurred.
A police report should be filed with UCPD if the crime occurred on campus or on University owned property.
The University has insurance programs, but there is a $1K deductible for most property loss or damage (see details below).
When you file a claim for loss, please let us know.
Since most laptops are more than $1K, it might be worthwhile to file a claim to offset the replacement costs. Of course, the insurance company will need to review the case and determine if we will be reimbursed.
Please retain receipts, etc. if you replace the stolen laptops for claim reimbursement.
Thank you.
How To File A Claim for Loss of or Damage to University Property (
Call the UC Police at 642-6760 and have them make a report. Ask the responding officer whether you should contact Physical Plant (642-1032) to rope off the site for security or investigation.
Within three business days of the loss, fill out a Property/Casualty Loss Report and send it to Risk Services via email (, fax (510-643-5050), or campus mail (671 University Hall, MC 1120).
Include police report or number, proof of University ownership, photos, bills, or any other relevant documentation. You may send this documentation later if you do not have it within three business days of the loss, but you should not delay.
An examiner from Sedgwick CMS, the University’s Third Party Administrator, will contact the claimant within 24-48 hours of claim submission.
Sedgwick CMS will evaluate the claim. If the claim has merit, the Property Self-Insurance Program will reimburse the department minus appropriate deductibles ($1,000 per occurrence for most property loss or damage, $5,000 per occurrence for property damage or loss due to fire, water, or non-forced-entry theft).
This self-insurance program covers University-owned property. It also covers privately-owned property that (1) the University has contractually agreed to cover and (2) is in the University’s care, custody, and control.
Covered perils include:
Water (as long as the damage is sudden, accidental, and not from a flood)
Transportation from one site to another
Building collapse
Coverage is worldwide, meaning the property need not be on University grounds to be insured. Lost or damaged goods are replaced or repaired with property of like kind and quality.
This program has a deductible of $1,000 per occurrence. Losses due to fire, water, or non-forced-entry theft have a $5,000 deductible.