Networking at Berkeley Way West
Some BAIR (Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research) related research groups moved to the eighth floor of the Berkeley Way West (BWW) building near downtown Berkeley.
IRIS does not manage the physical networking at Berkeley Way West, but IRIS does manage the firewall configuration. IRIS is also coordinating security contacts for BAIR devices on the wired network at BWW.
The process of getting wired network access for devices at BWW involves getting initial wired support through the campus Socreg system, and then optionally requesting additional firewall support via help@eecs.
Wired Network Support
The campus Socreg system is used to request wired support for devices at BWW. For personally-owned devices, you can register them yourself at (only available from Berkeley networks/VPN).
For university-owned devices, the campus requires that these devices be registered to a departmental security contact or your research group’s Socreg Group Security Contact, rather than under an individual’s security context; this helps preserve network support when an individual leaves the university, and helps to better route security notices if campus detects a problem with a device. Such registration can be done by either the existing members of the Group Security Contact (typically the professor plus one or more key contacts), or by emailing help@eecs.
As part of the registration with Socreg, a Group Security Contact member can request automated fixed DHCP support for a wired device. Using the group security context in Socreg, one clicks on “Register devices for DHCP Service” from the left menu. Choose “Add New Device.” Enter the MAC address and choose “fixed DHCP” for “IP address assignment type.” After saving that page, on the next page use the drop-down menus for the subdomain and the network.
With Fixed DHCP support, a fixed IP address will be assigned along with a DNS name of the form Please contact the IRIS Helpdesk (help@eecs) if you would like the DNS name changed to something else in the dns subdomain. The campus dns administrator can also be contacted for DNS updates in the dns subdomain. See also
Current Socreg Group Security Contacts include:
- EECS – Anca group at BWW
- EECS – Borgs group at BWW
- EECS – Center for Human-Compatible AI (CHAI)
- EECS – Efros group at BWW
- EECS – Goldberg group at BWW
- EECS – JennL group at BWW
- EECS – JFC group at BWW
- EECS – Klein Group at BWW
- EECS – Malik group at BWW
- EECS – Nika group at BWW
- EECS – PAbeel group at BWW
- EECS – Ren group at BWW
- EECS – SVLevine group at BWW
- EECS – Trevor group at BWW
Wireless Network Support
Standard campus wireless networks are available (eduroam, CalVisitor). Please contact CSS IT for any support issues.
Firewall Configuration Support
As of September 15, 2020, the firewall for the BWW subnet will only block certain ports/protocols as documented here:
For some blocked ports/protocols (e.g. http/https and smtp) you may request that it be allowed to your fixed DHCP (fixed IP address) devices by registering that device in the IRIS Network Database ( and indicating the need for that traffic.