PP-CS is calling for non-critical computer systems in room 165 to shutdown on Wednesday, March 23, for repairs to the cooling tower system in Cory Hall. We ask you to volunteer to shut down your computer equipment for the hours of 8am – 4pm. We believe we can keep the room cool (if we have enough volunteers) for those who can not shut down their computer equipment or servers. It is expected that the ambient temperature will rise during this repair from 70 deg. F. to 80 deg. F. in room 165.
Also, PP-CS will be testing some standby cooling this Thursday, March 17, in room 165 and will require no action on your part.
Please advise if you will be able to help us by shutting down your equipment. If we can not shutdown any equipment we will likely reschedule a full shutdown later this year.
Please note this is not related to the industrial water shutdown on Tuesday, March 22. This industrial water shutdown should not affect room 165 cooling system.
Thank You,
Scott McNally
[2005-03-18 11:57:20 | Scott McNally, Facilities Director]
We are announcing the cancellation of the computer machine room curtailment that was scheduled for next Wed., 3/23. I would like to thank everyone for responding to my earlier email as we had many willing to shutdown equipment. However, this week’s testing revealed we could not maintain an adequate ambient environment for the needed equipment by next week.
The future repairs will require PP-CS to rent a commercial grade, temporary air conditioner, to maintain the environment. My hope is this activity will be transparent to our computing operations.
Thank you and have a great Spring Break.