We have arranged for reserve power to be provided to the network and server rooms in 288, 290, and 420A Soda, such that department and research infrastructure and services will remain online and available to users outside Soda Hall.
We recommend powering off all equipment such as desktop computers ahead of time to prevent any issues caused by unexpected power loss. Additionally, any sysadmins hosting equipment in machine rooms other than 288, 290, and 420A will need to power their machines down in advance of the outage.
Should you need access to the building during the outage (for example, you are a sysadmin who would like to take advantage of the downtime to perform deferred maintenance), please email Miles Bianchi (miles.bianchi@berkeley.edu) for consideration by the Safety Committee. This access will only be granted for special cases.
As an early heads up, there is another, longer outage tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 27th from 6AM to 6PM, during which the Jacobs Hall electrical hookups will be completed. More details will be communicated as the date gets closer.
As always, we apologize for any and all inconvenience caused by this outage, especially given its close proximity to the previously scheduled network maintenance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Derek (dcalderon@berkeley.edu) for IT issues or Miles (miles.bianchi@berkeley.edu) for facilities or safety issues.
[2014-12-23 15:39:40 | Derek Calderon]
The Soda Hall scheduled power outage on January 4th has been extended to 7AM to 2PM. The original end time was 12 PM; the above news item has been edited to reflect these changes.
[2015-01-04 20:00:28 | Derek Calderon]
Power was restored to Soda Hall and the building was reopened at about 12:30 PM this afternoon.
[2015-02-11 15:03:18 | Lars Rohrbach]
The Soda Hall power outage tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 27, is no longer needed and has been canceled. It was determined during the January 4 work that the final electrical hookups to Jacobs Hall can be completed without further power outages to Soda Hall.
Resolved as of 2015-01-04 12:30:00