[2011-10-11 18:05:33 | Ann DiFruscia]
The IRIS general unix login server, login.eecs, is still down as a result of problems with systems updates. Technical staff are aware of the issues and are working to resolve the problem. There is no current ETA as yet.
[2011-10-12 09:25:59 | Mark Kraitchman]
A temporary replacement device was brought up
as login.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Tuesday October 11, 2011
5:00 PM.
Initially the host based firewall was not allowing
off campus ssh connections from everywhere. This was fixed
Tuesday October 11, 2011 9:30 PM.
The RSA key fingerprint for ssh connections on the
temporary replacement login.EECS.Berkeley.EDU was initially
The RSA key fingerprint for ssh connections on the
temporary replacement login.EECS.Berkeley.EDU was
updated to the previous RSA key fingerprint of
Wednesday October 12, 2011 08:47 AM.
[2012-06-11 14:21:34 | mark kraitchman]
login.EECS.Berkeley.EDU will move back to its original hardware Tuesday June 12th at 06:15am. Minimal down time is expected.
Resolved as of 2011-10-12 12:00:00