IST is responsible for license agreements with Mathworks and distributes Matlab license to individuals and departments. IST has assured us that our renewal has been processed, and that there is a 30-day “grace period” after the license expires on January 1st.
We understand Matlab is a critical tool for many researchers, and we are doing everything we can to prevent the license from expiring.
[2009-12-18 08:47:00 | Fred A Archibald]
We have received word from campus that new Matlab license files will be available by Monday. Stay tuned.
[2009-12-22 13:30:48 | Fred A Archibald]
We are still attempting to get the new license key. While we have repeatedly been promised the key, we have not yet received it. Mathworks has again assured us that our license will have a 30 day grace period beyond the expiration date.
[2009-12-23 14:06:39 | Jon Kuroda]
Thanks to [Mathworks](, the maker of Matlab, and the campus [Technology Acquisitions and Sales group](, the EECS Department’s Matlab licenses have been extended to 23 March 2010.
The annual Matlab license renewal process continues, but in the meanwhile, Matlab licenses will continue to be available until that work is completed.
Users may notice that Matlab is in a “trial mode” and warns about the license expiration date — this is due to our interim licenses being issued as trial licenses.
Anyone using Matlab who still experiences problems with licensing should contact the [EECS Helpdesk](mailto:help@eecs) or their local systems administrator(s).
[2009-12-29 19:46:45 | Jon Kuroda]
While the interim Matlab licenses received [earlier this month](/news/3249-matlab-license-renewal#update_3369) have been installed and support continues for Matlab’s core features et, the interim licenses lack support for the following Matlab features:
* Compiler
* Dial_and_Gauge_Blocks
* Distrib_Computing_Toolbox
* Real-Time_Win_Target
* Real-Time_Workshop
* RTW_Embedded_Coder
* Stateflow_Coder
* XPC_Target
IRIS staff continue to work with Campus and Mathworks to complete the yearly Matlab renewal process, but restoration of our full set of Matlab toolboxes may not occur until early January due to the Winter Campus Closure.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this likely creates for those who rely on those toolboxes for their work and will have these back as soon as possible.
The following Matlab toolboxes are still licensed and should continue to work for those who purchased those toolboxes:
* Communication_Blocks
* Communication_Toolbox
* Control_Toolbox
* Data_Acq_Toolbox
* Database_Toolbox
* Excel_Link
* Filter_Design_Toolbox
* Financial_Toolbox
* Fixed-Point_Blocks
* Fuzzy_Toolbox
* Identification_Toolbox
* Image_Acquisition_Toolbox
* Image_Toolbox
* Instr_Control_Toolbox
* MAP_Toolbox
* MATLAB_Report_Gen
* MPC_Toolbox
* Neural_Network_Toolbox
* Optimization_Toolbox
* PDE_Toolbox
* Power_System_Blocks
* Robust_Toolbox
* Signal_Blocks
* Signal_Toolbox
* SIMULINK_Report_Gen
* Spline_Toolbox
* Stateflow
* Statistics_Toolbox
* Symbolic_Toolbox
* Wavelet_Toolbox
[2009-12-31 15:28:07 | Jon Kuroda]
Renewal of our Matlab license, including licenses for all purchased toolboxes, has been completed, and staff installed new licenses late last night.
At this time, all users with Matlab licenses should be able to use Matlab as usual, including any toolboxes that may have been purchased. Our current licenses expire on 1 Jan 2011.
Your Matlab experience should now be free from annoying messages warning about how many days are left until licenses expire and pesky notices about Matlab being in “trial mode” – at least until the end of next year rolls around.
Anyone seeing messages about Matlab being in some sort of trial usage mode, getting annoying warnings about how soon licenses are expiring, or otherwise still continuing to have problems using Matlab or any of their toolboxes should contact the [EECS Helpdesk]( or their local systems administrator(s).
Resolved as of 2009-12-30 22:00:00